5250 N. Tarrant Pkwy #140
Thank you for the opportunity to pamper your pups. At the Groom Room we do our best to make the appointment as joyful and stress free as possible, not just for your dog but also for you. Please read the following carefully!
We strive to maintain a healthy, comfortable, peaceful workplace, ANY disrespect towards dogs or our staff members WILL NOT BE TOLERATED! You will immediately be asked to leave the premises and if you will not go, law enforcement will be notified. We respect our clients and expect the same.
You will receive a reminder text of your appointment. You MUST confirm to that TEXT. Not confirming may result in your appointment being cancelled and replaced with another client on our waiting list. To cancel, you must email GROOMROOM2@YAHOO.COM or text back CANCEL
Your First Visit
We prefer the pet parent to bring in and pick up on their first visit. However, if you will be sending someone else, make sure they have complete and detailed instructions for the groom. We will follow directions given by them and will accept approval of final groom by them. Please make sure they are aware of our drop off and pick up policies to avoid any additional fees. CURRENT RABIES PAPERWORK IS REQUIRED!
While your dog is in our care
Please keep your phones with you and be ready to answer your phone while your pup is here! Your groomer may have questions for you and need your immediate attention. We will also need to reach you for pick up. If you are not going to be able to answer your phone while your pup is here, it might be best to reschedule on a day when you can be reached. We highly suggest adding The Groom Room to your contact list on your phones.
Please drop off your dog at the time you are booked for your pup’s appointment. You may drop off up to 30 minutes early with prior approval. It’s better to be early than late! Arriving 15 minutes late or more may result in a cancelled appointment and a No-Show fee OR a late fee of at least $10. Should we still be able to accommodate you, your pup will be here longer than usual. Give us a call if you know you are running behind. Communication is KEY.
The Groom Room will call/text you when your dog is done. Sometimes you will get a 15–20-minute heads up. On-time pick-up is required since we have limited space and do not offer daycare services.
Dogs are required to be picked up within ONE hour of being notified of completion (Most grooms are completed within 1.5 to 2 hrs). Please call if you can not come within that hour. Failure to pick up within the hour, will result in a fee of $5 per half hour starting the first minute after the first hour and should your pet soil their kennel and need to be bathed again, if we can do it, you will be charged for that bath. WE CLOSE when the last dog is finished. This may be as early as 2 pm or as late as 4:30 pm. Dogs not picked up by 4 pm will incur a $1 per minute late fee starting at 4:01pm.
Senior Pets
The oldie but goodies must be in good physical and mental health. Grooming can be stressful for the older pups and stress could weaken the immune system; therefore, we do not groom senior pets in bad health. Some senior pets also become intolerant to the grooming process as they age, causing them to become resistant. This is dangerous. Should this be the case, you will be referred to a groomer within a veterinary clinic. Senior dogs MUST be able to stand through the groom on their own. The Groom Room cannot be held responsible for age related incidences, including but not limited to uncooperative behavior. If you have a senior pet, please fill out the senior pet form.
Pesky Pests
We have a no pest policy. Any pet found with fleas will be treated at the owner’s expense. If you know your dog has fleas, please pick up a capstar at vet, pet supply store or feed stores and administer to your pet at least 30 minutes prior to bringing them to the salon. If you are not able to do this, you will need to reschedule.
Keep your dog(s) on a leash or in a carrier ALWAYS when you come and go from the salon. We do not recommend retractable leashes but if they are used they must be locked at a short length for maximum control of your pet. WE ARE NOT LIABLE FOR PETS RUNNING FROM OWNERS WITH OR WITHOUT LEASHES. We are in a busy shopping center, please use caution.
In case a dog is not socialized to grooming or has mild or severe sensitivities and we are not able to finish the grooming, the dog owner is still responsible for payment of the time dedicated attempting to groom the dog. The Groom Room DOES NOT accept aggressive dogs.
Take your dog to potty at home before arriving at salon. Should your dog go outside at the salon, please clean it up! Pups with full bellies can experience “belly aches” and anxious behavior during the grooming process. It’s best not to feed them prior to their appointment. Especially nervous dogs and puppies. If a dog has multiple accidents in the salon, the owner may be called to pick the dog up unfinished. The owner is still responsible for payment and may incur clean up fees. ​
WE DO NOT GROOM DOGS IN HEAT, PREGNANT OR NURSING! Females in season are temperamental and disruptive to male dogs in the salon. (Even the neutered ones) Besides that, it’s gross! Know your dog’s schedule. Last minute cancellations or should we have to send the dog home for this reason are not acceptable and will be charged a No-Show fee.
We DO NOT groom dogs that require vet prescribed medication to be groomed. We groom willingly compliant dogs only.
As a courtesy, The Groom Room sends out multiple reminders by text and email, but it is your responsibility to remember. The Groom Room requires a 48hr notice to cancel or reschedule appointments. Failure to give required notice will result in a No-Show/last minute cancellation fee equal to 50% of the service appointment or a $25 minimum. A deposit may be required for the next appointment scheduled. Cancellations must be done via EMAIL, TEXT OR PHONE CALL. These fees double during the week prior to Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Rain Check
If the weather determines your dog’s grooming schedule, please check your 7-day forecast. Anything other than extreme weather is not an acceptable excuse for last minute cancellations or No Shows. Rain or shine we're grooming all the time!
Not Satisfied with the haircut?
We will be glad to adjust it free of charge if you let us know and bring your pup back within 48 hours of picking up your pup. This does not include if you "changed your mind" and want a different style or length than you originally told us. Please check your pet’s haircut before leaving the salon.
Our prices are based on length of time spent grooming your dog, breed, condition of the coat, and temperament. Therefore, prices can fluctuate depending on change in haircut, size of pet at time of service, condition of coat or length of time between appointments. Dogs that go more than 8 weeks between appointments usually require more time and can be on the higher end of estimated price.
A complete list of estimated prices can be found on our booking system.
A deposit may be required to book an appointment for new clients or clients that have gone longer than 8 weeks. It is NON-REFUNDABLE if we have to turn your dog away for being in heat, aggressiveness, neglect or matting beyond our capabilities to groom or you are more than 15 minutes late for your appointment.
Currently we are accepting cash, check and Venmo to keep business costs down. Tipping groomers MUST be Venmo, cash or included on checks only. Each groomer has a Venmo set up for tipping. The information is on the lobby desk. You cannot tip groomers on your debit/credit cards. If tipping cash, please hand them exact change as we may not be able to make change for you. WE DO NOT ACCEPT BILLS LARGER THAN $50. There will be a $30 fee for returned Checks.
The Groom Room may take and share images and or videos for fun, social media and training purposes about canine clients' grooming session.
We have limited grooming staff for Saturdays, so Saturday appointments GO FAST. We STRONGLY encourage you to preschedule your next appointment when picking up your pup. For those that cannot preschedule, you may request to be on a Saturday wait list in case we have a cancellation. You can pre-schedule for the year, however, pre-schedules cannot be further out than 8 weeks between grooms.
**New Appointment Policies**
We will no longer offer appointments to 2-3 times a year dogs. We highly recommend every 4 to 6 week appointments. However, we will still accept up to 12 weeks between appointments (on occasion) for those that opt for VERY short haircuts and maintain at home. Appointments that go more than 8 weeks may have a fee added as they will take longer than well-kept coats.
The Groom Room will no longer offer Dematting services beyond a few tangles. It’s uncomfortable for the pet, hard on the groomers bodies and creates a dislike for grooming by your pup. We go to great lengths to educate owners on how to prevent matting so dogs should arrive mat free. Those that do not wish to maintain areas that need at-home maintenance, should expect their pups to be trimmed short. If you are not sure how to prevent matting, Gabrielle (the salon owner), will be happy and eager to set up an appointment with you to teach you how.
Thank you for your continued support over the years. We look forward to many more years to come.